We are a group of women who feel called to act on what we know and have seen. God has placed within our hearts a love for Africa and her people. Some of us have children from these countries, some sponsor children from these countries but we are all mothers. We are mothers who see a hurt and a need and have a desire to act. Despite being thousands of miles away we hope to make a difference in the places that hold a piece of our hearts.

Yezelalem Minch

Yezelalem Minch Children & Community Development is a local, non-profit, non-governmental organization that has implemented a project called “Community Based Care Support to Orphan & Vulnerable Children” & “Care to Destitute Orphans in Institutional Care who don’t have an extended family”. YM has tried to address the needs of 1000 orphans and vulnerable children in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The Yezelalem Minch is a ministry that helps children and families affected by HIV in Ethiopia stay together and become productive members of society.. It tries to keep children and their living parent/or guardian together while helping them get healthy & be happy. It aims to keep children off the streets. YM supports families where they live with home visits. Plus, every Saturday, children can come to the YM office for bread and juice, games, movies and Sunday school lessons. The visionary that formed YM was a child sponsored through World Vision. Now, she takes care of orphans herself. The World Vision program gave her hope, an education and a God-given purpose. You too can make a difference like this in a child’s life. It only takes is $30 a month.

For children & families, Yezelalem Minch
… gives hope
… provides a future
… saves lives.

All the services that Yezelalem Minch Children & Community Development Center provides:

1. Educational Support – It is very challenging for the guardians in the community to send an orphan to school. To send a child to school requires annual & monthly school, fees, uniforms, and school materials every year. YMCCD offers all the above needs including supplementary education & reward the best school performance are incorporated in YMCCD educational support for orphans.

2. Food and Nutrition – To improve the children’s nutritional state, YMCCD has been acting though the provisions of high nutritious grains to the children’s family every month & get access to a meal ONCE a Week. During the summer time the feeding program offers a meal twice a week.

3. Medical Support - YMCCD provides medical support to the registered children for ANY illness. This organization gives special attention to child health & follow-up day-to-day health status by a full-time health social worker. The organization has an agreement with one of the clinic in the community and for those who visit this clinic. Any medical expenses are covers by this organization. Moreover, all beneficiary children of this project have access to annual medical check-ups by a pediatrician.

4. Psychosocial Support – The mind of orphan children needs a great deal of care and therapy to help them become emotionally stable, productive members of society. YMCCD does this through recreation services, group counseling, individual counseling, Sunday school classes, peer-education, & community volunteers

5. Livelihood Support – YMCCD livelihood program helps to improve the family’s income level through Income Generating Activities (IGA) & Self-Help Groups (SHG) so their living standard will improve. Through the programs of Empowering women through SHG, 20 groups have been formed and created a conductive environment to get into the market & make a better business. On this regard, YMCCD takes a big role on the process of organizing the SHG groups. This program enhances independency & helps the family become self-reliant.

6. YMCCD Child Sponsorship Program - Currently YMCCD has a total of 1000 vulnerable children in the sponsorship program. This program meets the needs of the WHOLE child: food, clothes, school, medical, & psychological.

How to sponsor a child:
1. a gift of $30 a month will provide for the basic needs of a YMCCD child
2. a gift of $100 will provide a one time start up loan to empower a family.
3. To sponsor a child:

Email: Kara at kkvassar@yahoo.com or yezelalemminch@yahoo.com to sponsor a Child Today!
You will be emailed a picture of your child and his/her information. You will make your sponsorship payment info through this great organization: Helps International Ministries (HIM) helpsinternationalministries.org